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Northern North Sea

United Kingdom & Ireland

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TROVE Northern North Sea 

Two databases cover the Northern North Sea. There are almost 150 fields & unsanctioned discoveries covered in great detail.  In addition there are over 300 prospects and leads characterised, covering Quadrants 2, 3, 210, 211, 8 & 9. Featuring structured and unstructured data this is a valuable source of data on any and every asset where our researchers have painstakingly acquired technical subsurface data from open sources. Compare oil & gas fields and discoveries. Sort, subset, analyse and map individual reservoir or hydrocarbon properties. Contains data from relinquishment reports, CPR's, company website, historic data, infrastructure descriptions and a lot more!

UK & Ireland

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TROVE Outer Moray Firth 
Outer Moray Firth

Developed as part of the Outer Moray Firth Special Interest Group which 1st Subsurface facilitates. One database covers fields & discoveries (over 190 entries detailed) while the other covers over 400 prospect & leads. TROVE databases are the "go to" place for screening assets, gleaning regional subsurface technical data or to sense-check volumetric input parameters in the largest and most thorough database of it's kind. The Moray Firth databases are supplemented by data supplied from operators in the region. Quadrants included in the fields and discoveries are 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and most of the top two tiers of licence blocks to the south. In other words, there is a lot more here than just a geologic definition of the "OMF". These TROVE databases are guided by existing and potential infrastructure in this prolific region of the North Sea.

TROVE Central North Sea

Two of the largest databases in the TROVE arsenal! Over 230 fields & discoveries are detailed. There are detailed description of over 530 prospects and leads. Supplemented by data from major operators keen to incorporate their data within the industries most comprehensive technical subsurface database. Subscribers will benefit from quarterly updates but straight out of the box these databases will allow access to an unprecedented library of information and knowledge just a few clicks of a mouse away. Data coverage in Quadrants 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39 & 40.

Central North Sea
TROVE Southern North Sea
Southern North Sea

With over 200 gasfields and unsanctioned discoveries featured and over 300 prospects and leads detailed, these two impressive databases cover a huge number of assets across the Southern Permian Basin (with data from UK Quadrants 36-54). Additions are being made daily and each quarter a new version will be dispatched incorporating the latest adds and functionality. As one Subsurface Manager we spoke with states "you can't understand the UK basin without understanding the Netherlands sector of the gas basin". So we have already amassed over 200 Dutch gas fields and discoveries in the Netherlands database to rapidly study analogues and understand regional trends.

TROVE Onshore UK
Onshore UK

Features onshore oil & gas fields, discoveries, gas storage projects, 'shale fracking' sites, coal-bed methane (CBM), coal-mine methane (CMM) and historic abandoned fields. The Onshore UK is set to become an active focus for unconventional resources into 2019 as companies prepare to test the deliverability and sustainability of huge in-place resources in the Carboniferous Bowland Shale & Jurassic Organic-Rich Mudstones located and accessible primarily in England. 

TROVE Irish Sea
Irish Sea

A small basin but there are over 50 fields, discoveries, prospects and some (generally recent) dry holes characterised. Where the interest is the well established Triassic oil and gas accumulations or the deeper Carboniferous tight and unconventional potential of the basin this is the "go to" resource for geoscientists and engineers to quickly gain an overview of the basin and it's remaining potential. 

21/12b-6 22/11b-13 22/12a-10 22/14b-3  22/27a-1 22/28b-2 29/2a-2 29/9c-7 Acorn Acorn North Triassic Affleck Alder Alma Andrew Andrew Andromeda Angus Appleton Aragorn Arbroath Arkwright Arran Arundel Auk Auk Auk North Austen Austen Avalon Aviat Bacchus Balgownie Balloch Banff Banks Bardolino Bardolino Beechnut Bennachie Burgman Beta Bittern Blakeney Blane Bligh Bonneville Bonneville East Bonneville West Brechin Brimmond Brodgar Calloway Capercaillie Carnaby Carnoustie Catcher Catcher North Cayley Centurion Chestnut Christian Clapham Clyde Columbus Commander Conqueror Cook Corfe Courageous Crabtree Crathes Crinan Culzean Curlew A Curlew B Curlew C Curlew D Curlew D South Cyrus Dalziel Dandy Dauntless Deep Banff Drake Duncan Durward Eagle Egret Elgin Elk Elke Endeavour Enoch Enochdhu Erne Erskine Erskine Erskine Esperanza Everest Faraday Farragon Fergus Feugh Fiacre Fiddich Fife Fife Finlaggan Fleming Flora Flyndre Forties Fram Franklin Franklin Fulmar Fyne Gadwall Galia Gannet A Gannet B Gannet C Gannet D Gannet E Gannet F Gannet G Glenelg Godwin Goosander Grouse Guillemot A (Forties) Guillemot A (North & Central) Guillemot A (South) Guillemot North West Guillemot West Halley Harbour Harrier Hawkins Helios Heron Howe Huntington Huntington Deep Hurricane Innes Isabella Jackdaw Jade James Janice Jasmine Joanne Josephine Judy Kate Kessog Kilbeggan Kinnoull Kittiwake Kyle Lacewing Leven Lomond Machar Madoes Mallard Mallory Maria Marnock Mary Maule Maureen Medwin Merganser Millburn Miller Mirren Moira Monan Montrose Morag Morgan Mortimer Moth Mungo Narwhal Nelson Nethan North Argyll (Devonian) North Argyll (Rotliegendes) North Channel Oakwood Ockley Orchid Orion Peach Pict Pierce Pilot Puffin Romeo (Fulmar) Romeo (Heather) Romeo (Smith Bank) Saxon Scavaig Scolty Scoter Seagull Selkirk Seymour Shaw Shearwater Shelley Sheryl Skerryvore Skua Starling Stella Sunset Taggart Talbot (North P1) Talbot (South P2) Teal Teal South TEP 3 Tesla Thunderer Toad Tonto Torphins Torrance TP1 Tricia Turnberry Turriff Varadero Vorlich Wagtail Watson West Franklin West Teal Whinchat White Bear Whitethroat Wood Rowallan 22/20a-7 Fyvie Flint Western Terrace Porcupine Spitfire Constance Coronado Morro Oates Coaster Danica Stavro Quasimodo Disraeli Jenny Eta 2 Oulton Glengorm Teal West Alison Amethyst Anglia Ann Annabel Apollo Arthur Audrey Babbage Baird Barque Barque South Beaufort Bell Bessemer Big Dotty Blythe Boulton Boyle Breagh Brigantine Brown Bure Bure West Caister (Bunter) Caister (Carboniferous) Callisto Callisto North Camelot Central/South Camelot North Camelot North East Caravel Carrack Cavendish Ceres Chiswick Cleeton Clipper North Clipper South Corvette Cutter Cygnus (Carboniferous) Cygnus (Permian) Davy Davy East Dawn Deben Deborah Delilah Della Durango Earlham Elgood Elland Endurance Ensign Eris Esmond Europa Excalibur Forbes Galahad Galleon Ganymede Garrow Gawain Gordon Grove Guinevere Hawksley Helvellyn Hewett Hewett (Bunter) Hewett L Bunter Hewett U Bunter Hewett Zechsteinkalk Horne Hoton Hunter Hyde Indefatigable Indefatigable South West Johnston Juliet Katy Kelvin Ketch Ketex Kew Kilmar Lancelot Leman Leman South Little Dotty Little Dotty Malory Markham Mcadam Mercury Mimas Minerva Minke Monterey Mordred Munro Murdoch Neptune Newsham North Davy Orca Orwell Pickerill Ravenspurn North Ravenspurn South Rita Rose Rough Saturn Schooner Sean East Sean North Sean South Seven Seas Shamrock Sinope Skiff Sloop Southwark Stamford Tethys Thames Thebe Thurne Topaz Tors Field Development Trent Trent (Lower) Trent (Upper) Tristan Tristan NW Tyne North Tyne South Tyne West V-Field Gas Complex Valiant North Valiant South Valkyrie Vampire Vanguard Victor Victoria Viking Viking North Viking South Viscount Vixen Vulcan Watt Waveney Welland Welland NW Welland South Wenlock Wensum West Sole Whittle Windermere Wingate Wissey Wollaston Wren Yare York Auburn Lytham Prometheus Tees 41/20-2 41/25a- 1 42/15b-1 44/19-3  44/28-4 44/28d- 5 47/05d-6  47/14b- 5 48/01-2A 48/12c-10 48/17b-3 48/18a-4 49/03-3 49/08b-3 49/09a- 5 49/22-17 49/28-2 50/26a-7 53/01b- 3 53/05a-8Z Abbeydale Agincourt Amanda Andrea Arrol Artemis Beta Blythe Deep Browney Cameron Camlan Carna Clark Cleveland Dome Cobra Copernicus Coracle Cronx Crosgan Delamere Eos Ester  Esther Fulham Garnet Goddard Gudgeon Gunn Harmonia Harvey Hawking Humphrey J3c Kepler Kumatage Lauren Marjan Maxwell Mongour Monkwell Nailsworth Newark North Inde Oak Olympus Opal Overstrand Pegasus Pharos Platypus Resolution Romeo Sillimanite Thoresby Tolmount Trent West Vanquish Vantage Vesta Viper Wherry South Wherry West Winchelsea Juno 49/21-3 Furasta Alba Alder Arundel Balloch Balmoral Beauly Beinn Birch Blake Brae Central Brae East Brae North Brae South Braemar Brenda Britannia Brodgar Burghley Buzzard Callanish Captain Chestnut Claymore Claymore Claymore Claymore Claymore Duart Enochdhu Galley Galley Galley Glamis Golden Eagle Highlander 14/20b-24 Disc Highlander Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher Lochranza Nicol Peregrine Petronella Piper Piper Rochelle Ross Scapa Scolty Scott SE Thelma Solitaire Stirling Sycamore Tartan Tartan Telford Thelma Tiffany Toni Tweedsmuir Tweedsmuir South West Brae West Brae West Brae - Sedgwick Athena Atlantic Beatrice Blackbird Bladon Blair Blenheim Buchan Caledonia (West) Chanter Chanter Cromarty Donan Ettrick Goldeneye Hamish Hannay Iona Iona Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Jacky Lybster MacCulloch Miller Renee Rob Roy Rob Roy Rubie Saltire Saltire Saltire Saltire Caledonia (East) 15/19-6 Jurassic 16/06b-5 Skroo 16/22-2 Jurassic 21/2-3 Devonian Alexandria Athena - Leek Avalon Balfour Balfour East Beaumaris Bennachie Black Horse Blackjack Bluebell Bluebird Bordeaux Bowmore Bright Brochel Bugle Bytham Cairngorm Catterick Cob Crathes Crown Dee Delta Dolphin Drumtochty Egilsay Fatcat Ffan Fingal Finlaggan Finlay Fynn Fynn Fynn West Gamma Glenn Hoy Hoylake Inner Pear J2 (J64 Sst) J2 (Sgiath) Kendall Kenwright Kidd Kildare (Conventional) Kildare Sst Kildare Unconventional Kildrummy Kinross Knockinnon Leopard Leverett Liberator Lowlander Mabel Macallan Maria Marigold Marten McEnroe & Murray Midlander Moby Morrisey North Bugle Nutmeg Perth Phoenix Pipit Polecat Polly Ptarmigan Ravel Samedi Sarclet Seahorse Shelterstone Sigma Sigma Terraces Stag Stroma Sunflower Surprise Surprise Tain Tap O'Noth Thunderball Torphins Torrish Tudor Rose Verbier West Wick Wester Ross Westray Willow Yeoman 14/21a-1 (DH) Magnolia (DH) Partridge (DH) Ranger (DH) Scotney (DH) Stingray (DH) Sturgeon (DH) Temple Wood (DH) Val d'Isere (DH) Alwyn North (Brent E) Alwyn North (Brent N) Alwyn North (Brent NW) Alwyn North (Statfjord) Beryl (Beryl) Beryl (Katrine) Beryl (Lewis) Beryl (Linnhe) Beryl (Nansen) Boa Brent (Brent) Brent (Statfjord) Broom Bruce Buckland Callater Causeway Cheviot Cladhan Columba B Columba E Conrie Cormorant (Block III) Cormorant (Block IV) Cormorant East Cormorant South Crawford Devenick Deveron Don Don South West Dunbar (Frontal) Dunbar (Lunde) Dunbar (Statfjord) Dunbar (W Flank) Dunlin Eider Ellon Emerald Falcon Fionn Forvie North Frigg Garten Grant Gryphon Harding Central Harding South Heather Hudson Hutton Islay Jura Keith Kestrel Kraken Kraken North Leadon Linnhe Loirston Lyell Maclure Magnus Magnus NW Magnus South Mariner Merlin Morrone Murchison Ness Nevis Ninian North West Hutton Nuggets N1 Nuggets N4 Orlando Osprey Otter Pelican Penguin Playfair Rhum Skene Staffa Statfjord (Brent) Statfjord (Cook) Statfjord (Statfjord) Strathspey (Banks) Strathspey (Brent) Tern Thistle Tullich West Don Western Isles Ythan 2/3-1 210/29- 3 211/28a-7 3/10b-1 3/16-1 3/23-1 3/25-1 8/27a-1 9/12-3 (Frigg) 9/12-3 (Maureen) 9/23b-19 9/28b-19A Agar Plantain Aidan Alwyn Triassic South Banquo Bentley Bluesky Boatswain Bressay Burdock Chimera Corona Darwin South Dunluce Goblin Helena Inverewe Irresistible Jock Scott Katherine Kerloch Laphroaig Little Buzzard Lucius Lusca Mallory Mulle Oban Peik Peik 9/15a-1 (Frigg) Peik 9/15a-1 (Hugin) Sheila Skipper Skye SW Heather Sween Torridon Tryfan Tybalt Ventidius West Lyell 62/7-1 Aberlour Achill Achmelvich Ada Aghla Beg Aghla More Aileen Ainslie Alligin Amergin Amos Anne Marie Appin Ard Ardalanish Ardbeg Ardmore Arkle Assynt 3 Audacious Aultmore Avalon Bader Balblair Ballycotton Baltimore Bandon Bardsey Barr Barryroe Basking Beaufort Beckett Bedlington Benbaun Benbecula Blackrock Blaven Bofin Bombardier Boyne Brugdan Bunnehaven Burren Cairngorm Cambo Cambo Extension Capercaillie Eocene Capercaillie Flett Carrigaline Casquets Clair Cnut Colgate Colza Commodore A Connemara Copsale Coquet Corrib Corrib North Corrib NW Corrib South Cragganmore Craster Crawley Cretaceous Lead Cruachan Cuillin Dalwhinnie Davaar Derryveagh Diablo Doglingurin Doina Dooish Dowra Doyle A Doyle B Doyle C Dragon Drombeg Druid Dunmore Dunquin North Dunquin South Dunvegan Ech Eddystone East Eddystone West Edgeworth Edradour Egerton Eocene, Palaeocene & Pre-Cretaceous Eriboll Errigal Ervine Fastnet Fettercairn Finvolkheim Fleet A Fleet B&C Foinaven Freya Fulla Galley Head Ghlo Core Ghlo Deep Ginger/Buzz Glas Maol Glen Spey Glendronach Glenesk Glenfarclas Glenlivet Glenrothes Glenshee North Glenshee South Godrevy Gas Godrevy Gas & Oil Grouse Grouse West Gunnison Halifax Hammerhead Handcross Deep Handcross North Handcross South Heaney Hearach Helena Helvick Highland Park Hook Head Howick Inishkea Inishkea NW Inishkea W Intra & Sub Basalt Iolar Jameson Jutland Kanel Kiely Kilroy Kinsale Deep Kinsale Head Kulubokan Lagavulin Laggan Lancaster Laxford Lead A Lead B Lead W-B Leads 1-4 Liffey Lincoln LO 16/19 LO 16/22 Loanan Loanan West Lochnagar Lochside Longan LongJohn Longmorn Longmorn East Longmorn South Longmorn West Longships Lookout Lower Mesozoic & Upper Cretaceous Loyal Lyon Macdui Mackoght Mardyke Marimas Marjun Marlin McClellan Midleton Millburn Mizzen Triassic Gas Mizzen Wealden Gas Mizzen Wealden Oil Morar Morgan Muckish Muckish East Mull Mullen Mustard Neptune Nevis Range Newgrange No Lead No Prospect No Prospect 1 North Uist NW Corrib Old Head of Kinsale Onslow Orcadian Basin P1846 P1933 P2011 P2012 P2014 P2016 P2018 P2019 P2020 P2045 P2061 Pendeen Gas Pendeen Gas & Oil Perdigoa Persimmon A Persimmon B Polaris Polly PR-3 Pre-BCU Lead Provenance Provenance West A Provenance West B Ptarmigan Ram Head Rannva A Rannva B Ribbon Roffey Rosebank Rosebank North Rosscarbery Rusper Sanda North Sanda South Sandvoe Gas Sandvoe Oil Sandwood Scarp Schiehallion Schull Seonaid A Seven Heads Shackleton Shanagarry Shaw Silverback Skye Solan South Uist Spanish Point Spinnaker Spitfire Stelkur Strathmore Strontian (T34) Suilven Sula Sula-Stelkur Svinoy SW Kinsale Head T22 Lead Talisker East Talisker West Tarsuinn TBD1 TBD2 Tempest Tobermory Toormore Top Westerhouse Lead Tormore Tornado Torridon T20 Torridon T22 Torridon T31/32 Torridon T34 Trieg Trool Tulla Typhoon Typhoon Extension UJ1 Unnamed Upper Cretaceous Lead Upper Jurassic Lead Upper Palaeocene Lead Vaila Equivalent Valentia Ventry Deep Victory Vorlich Warwick Wellington Whirlwind Wilde William Wolf

TROVE Atlantic Margin
Atlantic Margin
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In keeping with the 1st Subsurface philosophy of 'borderless basins' trying to keep assets within context, the discoveries, prospects & leads in the Faroese Continental Shelf  are incorporated within the "Atlantic Margin" TROVE database. The Atlantic Margin database covers the Shetland-Faroe, Rockall. Porcupine & Celtic Sea basins covering UK, Faroe Isles & IrelandFeaturing oil & gas fields from Schehallion, Fojnaven & Clair in the north as far as Kinsale Head, Ballycotton & Barryroe in the south. There are over 250 fields, discoveries, prospects and leads characterised in this database. To understand analogues further afield we have also compiled the Atlantic North America & Norwegian Sea databases which compliment the dataset from the UK, Faroe & Ireland database.

Featuring data from PAD, Faroes, OGA, company websites, press releases, CPR's and other open-sources, TROVE Atlantic Margin is supplemented with data contributed by operators and co-venturers keen to promote their opportunities to the TROVE subscription community. 

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