Please see all our videos here: or browse the titles below, sorted into geographic areas. There are lots more videos in preparation and we hope to put out two per week for (at least) the next few months.
Europe - North Sea
We look into the reality behind some recent news headlines including the Prime Minister's suggestion the UK could 'ramp up' gas production and Rishi Sunak's 6 proposed developments for fast-track.
A look at the rebranding of OGA, the UK’s regulator. Does the new name encompass the regulators remit?
We also briefly discuss the proposed new license round for the UK.
Tells the story of Shell's Edinburgh well currently drilling on a prospect straddling the UK & Norway median line.
Edinburgh is expected to reservoir gas condensate in HPHT (High Pressure-High Temperature) conditions in the Jurassic & Triassic.
This video recounts the Cambo story. A UK oilfield project that was halted amidst political manoeuvring.
What is Cambo? Why has it been in the news? What next for this discovery?
The title says it all. Not all oilfields are the success that was hoped - here are 10 candidate oilfields that have disappointed and lost many, many millions! Features Hurricane’s Lancaster, Kerr-McGee’s Leadon and the infamous “Gatwick Gusher”.
Shell rumoured to be selling southern North Sea gasfields - Leman Alpha & Clipper hubs. We take a look at this possible deal, which could fetch over $1billion.
In short, everything about Ekofisk is amazing. This video explains why.
This deep dive looks into geology and development strategy taking us from discovery to present day, and looking to what is yet to come for Ekofisk.
The Argyll field (the first offshore UK oil field to come on production) was a success but Ardmore and Alma failed to deliver the incremental reserves hoped for. See what happened and what was achieved.
The UK SNS is famously a gas basin, we look into the Ossian Darach well which discovered oil. Something different - this new play in the mature UK Southern North Sea.
All you wanted to know in this succinct overview of a new prolific hydrocarbon province. Features the Brulpadda and Luiperd discoveries in the Outeniqua basin but looks at the regional prospectivity.
Updates on the game-changing Shell’s Graff-1 & TotalEnergies Venus-1. We look forward to EcoAtlantic’s upcoming Gazania-1 well and review the regional prospectivity as far as Argentina as well as look at how onshore Namibia is different.
The second major oil discovery offshore Namibia. We take a look at TotalEnergies Venus-1 well. The geology, seismic and results of this (second) basin-opening well are presented.
The first major oil discovery offshore Namibia. The geology, seismic and results of Shell's basin-opening well are presented. We also give a brief regional overview.
The latest discovery has extended the play in the Bedout Basin, NW Shelf Australia. Well results are given for Pavo-1. We are looking forward to seeing progress with the upcoming Apus-1 well.
This video describes the geology and play in this new and evolving hydrocarbon provide. Recorded before the discovery was announced, Pavo-1 & Apus-1 are featured within a basin overview setting.
Latin America
Reports on the results of CGX Energy’s Kawa-1 discovery and looks at regional source rocks. We respond to media reports on the abandonment of the Kawa well.
Reports on TotalEnergies Krabdagu discovery well results. Features plans for ExxonMobil’s Stabroek block and includes a look at the first two developments at Liza & Payara. Finally we look at the regional prospectivity.
This video makes a look at the Kawa-1 discovery and the upcoming DeepwaterTrinidad licence round. CGXEnergy have a long record in Guyana and a very attractive prospect portfolio.
Brazil is an established major O&G province with huge fields & discoveries. From Buzios to the regional prospectivity - this video is a whistle-stop tour of the geologic basins of offshore Brazil. We also look at the conjugate margin and the miss-match in success across the Atlantic.
In under 2 minutes we demonstrate some of the power of TROVE in this prolific hydrocarbon province.
Data, Maps, Seismic, Infrastructure, Analysis Tools & so much more. How could TROVE help your business goals?
Middle East
A small country with big plans to increase production by 1 mmbopd by 2030. With a rig fleet of 99, and plans to increase this, see the truly gobsmacking scale of Middle East producing fields!
Focusing on an under-reported dispute primarily between Cyprus and Turkey who both claim maritime rights over the same waters and are both drilling in these claimed waters.
What's in a name? Often oil & gas fields are named after fish, birds, people, places or gods. Others have more quirky names & some have an interesting story behind them. We give a quick run down of some of our favourites from around the world.
We have lots more videos on YouTube - we have highlighted the most recent and most informative.
We also have many more videos to come.