TROVE Barents Sea & Norwegian Sea
In order to get a regional overview of these prolific hydrocarbon provinces, the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea fields & discoveries are combined within one database. Sourcing open data from the NPD is just the start for TROVE. Data from online open sources are collated and structured to allow ready analysis. All fields & major discoveries are a few mouse clicks away. Quickly and almost effortlessly find all Jurassic oil reservoirs between a depth range in a chosen area and all the pre-configured graphs will update automatically. The database contains over 150 fields and discoveries with more being added daily!
TROVE Norway North Sea
With over 250 fields and discoveries characterised and updates being added by the research team daily, TROVE Norway North Sea is already a tool to spot regional trends in reservoir properties, hydrocarbon properties and a lot more!! Ready made plots showing key parameters versus depth and the ability to quickly map key parameters over the entire region makes TROVE Norway North Sea and powerful addition to any E&P companies toolbox. Every analogue field and major discovery is characterised. The data can be readily incorporated into corporate GIS systems or analysed in its native form to understand the source and quality of the parameters.