Uruguay is in an exciting location for oil and gas exploration - although the three offshore wells drilled to date have not delivered commercial successes, on the other side of the Atlantic Conjugate Margin (Venus & Graff in Namibia) offer hope of similar success on the Uruguayan continental margin.
Licensing is to close shortly with results regarding the three currently unlicensed blocks announced before end February 2023. This area has the potential to be a hugely significant oil and gas basin, but more drilling needs to take place to prove a working petroleum system.
To date, no deepwater wells have penetrated the Cretaceous - this is the setting for the major discoveries at Venus, Graff & La Rona in Namibia.
All of the information in this video can be found in our TROVE Latin America South database. This impressive product is a 'must have' for E&P companies interested in this region.
Get in touch today to find out more about our TROVE databases - we'd be happy to arrange a demo: info@1stsom.com