Exploring with TROVE
Maurice Bamford, former Exploration Manager with EnQuest and Talisman (now Repsol-Sinopec) leads the Exploration Team at 1st Subsurface. Here, Maurice describes some of the power and functionality with the TROVE exploration databases:
Subscribers to TROVE exploration databases can find more prospect specific data "at the click of a button" than in any other database product on the market. The power of TROVE exploration databases is further enhanced by operators sending farmout flyers, additional released data for inclusion in the database.
Extensive Database
All prospects and leads in public domain captured
Relinquishment reports, Farm-down flyers, company websites, CPRs
Audit trail seen as key
Audit Trail
Relevant parts of documents captured
Labelling added to help with inconsistencies, typos etc from original document
Extract Structured Prospect & Lead Data
Original data is presented in varying formats
Extract data in consistent format
Compare two different evaluations side by side
Compare two prospects or leads
Display Data on Map
Display Prospect & Lead data as proportional bubbles
Filter data on, for example, stratigraphy, trap type or phase
Label Data on Map
Label Prospects and Leads
Add name and varying data options
Plot varying data from Prospects & Leads datbase
Identify Prospect of interest
Label data points
Filter data on, for example, stratigraphy, trap type, or phase
Sense Check Inputs
Use Field and Unsanctioned discovery database to sense check volumetric input ranges
For certain variables, such as average porosity, best used in combination with local well analysis
Rapidly filter whole dataset
Use dashboards to filter the whole dataset
Get a quick overview of basinwide trends
Full resolution on subscription